
When Death Occurs



Handling the death of a loved one is never an easy task. We've put together some of the important information you'll need to make the initial decisions, reach out to the appropriate people, and begin the process of designing your loved one's final farewell. Remember that, as you begin to cope with your loss, it's often a good idea to enlist the help and support of a trusted friend in making the necessary arrangements.

If you have any questions about your next steps, the options available to you, or what the funeral arrangement process will entail, we'd be honored to walk you through this information in more detail and answer your questions. Don't hesitate to contact us for anything you might need.


Within Hours

When a death occurs at home or in the workplace, you'll need to contact emergency personnel or your loved one's physician if he or she was under medical care. If no one else was present when the death occurred, you'll also need to notify the police before the deceased is moved to a secondary location.

When a death occurs while your loved one is in a hospital, care facility or hospice program, the professional staff will notify you and contact the appropriate authorities. If you've already given them the name of a funeral home, the facility will contact them as well.


The next steps involve registration of the death, and the processes and documentation involved depend upon the circumstances. The professionals you've contacted will help to guide you through obtaining a medical certificate and the appropriate registration procedures.


If you're ever unsure of whom you should notify or what your next steps should be, please call us for assistance in determining the appropriate course of action for your particular situation.



Within the First Few Days

After you've taken care of the initial necessary arrangements, you'll want to notify friends and relatives of the death. If it is too painful for you to do this yourself, it's absolutely okay for a trusted friend to make the call in your place. Now is the time to review any prearranged wishes or plans your loved one may have put in place, and meet with the professionals at your chosen funeral home to discuss your options and begin designing a funeral. You'll also write a death notice or obituary to notify those in the community of your loved one's passing.


Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have about what you need to do, even if your concerns aren't directly related to the funeral. We're well-versed in all topics relating to the loss of a loved one, and we'd be honored to provide you with answers, advice, and guidance in your time of need.





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